In chapter 9 George Yule describes the “syntax” of a language. He claims that in two sentences like Nihal is driving the car. And the car is being driven by Nihal. The difference between these two, are what is called “surface structure”. Then there comes the “deep structure” as in It is Nihal who is driving the car. Is Nihal driving the car?. Yule describes in depth what the structure and components of a sentence can be. He used various terms to describe these as structural ambiguity where a sentence can clearly represent two meanings using the deep structure.
Yule, used the tree diagram to show the grammatical information of a sentences. He breaks down such a small sentence like “The girl saw a dog” into what each word really represents. Yule shows how such “small set of phrase structure rules and lexical rules just decries a sample of what might become a more complex phrase structure grammar of English” (93). For this he used the sentences “the small boy saw George with a crazy dog recently” (93).
Yule goes on to describe words like” that” are used to help introduce a complement phrase. Finally, George Yule uses chapter 9 to show that there is more to a sentence than just its words. There are rules of grammar; and structure that are required to make a sentence with meaning as well as, create various other meanings in the same sentence.
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